English Learning Box

Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Exercise

1. I wash the car every day. 
    T or I Object:

2. They laughed at the joke. 
    T or I Object:

3. The flower smells good. 
    T or I Object:

4. Do you like mangoes? 
    T or I Object:

5. Can you help me? 
    T or I Object:

6. You may borrow her book. 
    T or I Object:

7. She didn't agree with me. 
    T or I Object:

8. I don't understand the question. 
    T or I Object:

9. They enjoyed the movie.
    T or I Object:

10. The injury hurts very much. 
    T or I Object:

11. Have you sent the email? 
    T or I Object:

12. The train has arrived. 
    T or I Object:

13. The ceremony began at 4 p.m.
    T or I Object:

14. They are having dinner now.
    T or I Object:

15. My brother runs for two hours every day.
    T or I Object:

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