
Coordinating Conjunctions Exercise

Before doing the exercise, let’s review the use of conjunctions in compound sentences.


At the early stages of writing, we usually use simple sentences. However, when our writing skills improve, we learn how to write more sophisticated and informative. We can do that by connecting simple sentences using coordinating conjunctions. These conjunctions include:

  • and (for addition)
  • and then (for continuation)
  • but and yet (for contrast)
  • or (for choice)
  • so (for result)
  • for (for reason)

We need to remember that coordinating conjunctions connect independent sentences. These are sentences that can stand on their own in terms of structure (grammar) and in terms of meaning. 

The resulting sentence has two clauses. Each clause has a subject and a main verb.

If the subject in the two simple sentences is the same, we can omit it in the second clause after the conjunction. But we can’t do that when the subjects are different.

We usually use a comma before the conjunction.

  • I read a novel. I wrote a review.
  • I read a novel and wrote a review. (We omitted the subject. There is no need to use a comma before and.)
  • Zaid bought a new phone. His sister bought a laptop.
  • Zaid bought a new phone, and his sister bought a laptop.
  • He prepared breakfast. He woke up the children.
  • He prepared breakfast, and then he woke up the children.
  • She tried her best. She couldn’t fix the machine.
  • She tried her best, but couldn’t fix the machine.
  • We can visit them. We can call them.
  • We can go visit them, or we can call them.
  • The room was crowded. We couldn’t find a place to sit down.
  • The room was crowded, so we couldn’t find a place to sit down.
  • They cancelled the trip. Everyone was busy.
  • They cancelled the trip, for everyone was busy.
  • The girl was crying. She couldn’t see her mother.
  • The girl was crying, for she couldn’t see her mother. ( We cannot omit the subject of the second clause when we use for.)

Why do we write compound sentences?

Compound sentences have the following effects on our writing.

  • Variety: They break up the monotony of simple sentences, adding rhythm and flow to our writing.
  • Emphasis: They highlight the connection between two related ideas, giving each equal importance.
  • Efficiency: They condense two thoughts into one, making our writing concise and effective.
Choose the correct conjunctions to complete these compound sentences.

Welcome to your Conjunctions Exercise

1. I love coffee, _________ I prefer tea.

2. He was tired, _________ he took a break.

3. She painted the living room, _________ he built a bookshelf.

4. I practiced hard, _________ I won the competition.

5. I couldn't go out, _________ the rain was very heavy.

6. She made her bed, _________ she went to the kitchen.

7. We did not have a break, _________ we had to finish the report.

8. Cut up the onion, _________ add the tuna fish.

9. You didn't answer my calls, _________ I came to check on you.

10. She cooked, _________ the children set the table.

11. I was tired, _________ I stayed up late to finish the project.

12. We canceled the trip, _________ the weather was bad.

13. She spoke softly, _________ I understood her.

14. We may travel on the weekend, _________ we may stay home and watch a movie.

15. The movie was exciting, _________ we stayed till the end.

16. We can have dinner at home, _________ we may eat at the new restaurant.

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