Compound Sentences Exercise Leave a Comment / By passive / January 7, 2024 1. He loves to read. She enjoys playing sports. (but) 2. I love chocolate. I rarely eat it. (yet) 3. We can stay home and watch a movie. We can go out for dinner. (or) 4. She studied hard for the exam. She got a good grade. (so) 5. He loves to explore new places. He always finds comfort in his hometown. (yet) 6. The movie was really bad. We left early. (so) 7. I finished my chores. Now I can relax. (so) 8. She was nervous about the presentation. She did a great job. (but) 9. He couldn't go swimming. It had started to rain. (for) 10. I woke up early. I made breakfast for everyone. (and) Time's up