English Learning Box

Context Clues

1. The chef sprinkled a dash of cinnamon over the apple pie. What does "dash" most likely mean?

2. Despite the heavy downpour, the children still insisted on playing outside. What does "downpour" most likely mean?

3. The scientist hypothesized that the new vaccine would be effective against the virus. What does "hypothesized" most likely mean?

4. The detective carefully scrutinized the crime scene for any clues. What does "scrutinized" most likely mean?

5. "The old dog lumbered across the park with tired steps." What does "lumbered" most likely suggest about the dog's movement?

6. The doctor prescribed her a sedative to help her sleep better. What can a "sedative" most likely be?

7. He fumbled with the lock, his hands shaking nervously. What does "fumbled" most likely mean?

8. The crowd roared with approval when the singer hit the high note. What does "roared" most likely mean?

9. She munched on the apple, enjoying its sweet and juicy taste. What does "munched" most likely mean?

10. The children skipped through the park; their laughter echoed in the air. What does "skipped" most likely mean?

11. He slapped his forehead in frustration, realizing he had lost his keys. What does "slapped" most likely mean?

12. The farmer harvested the ripe tomatoes from his garden. What does "harvested" most likely mean?

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