
Past Simple Tense Quiz

Here are 28 quizzes about the Past Simple Tense, covering various question formats to test understanding of the form and usage of the tense.

Welcome to your Past Simple Tense Quiz

Quiz 1: Regular Verbs
Convert the following verbs to their past simple form:
1. Walk
2. Play
3. Talk
4. Jump
5. Help

Quiz 2: Irregular Verbs
Write the past simple form of the following irregular verbs:
1. Go
2. Eat
3. See
4. Buy
5. Take

Quiz 3: Sentence Formation
Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verbs in brackets:
1. I __________ (watch) a movie last night.
2. They __________ (visit) their grandparents last weekend.
3. She __________ (study) French for two years.
4. We __________ (decide) to stay at home.
5. He __________ (finish) his homework before dinner.

Quiz 4: Negative Sentences
Make these sentences negative:
1. I played football yesterday.
2. They visited the museum last week.
3. She cooked dinner last night.
4. He traveled to London last summer.
5. We finished the project on time.

Quiz 5: Yes/No Questions
Change the following sentences into yes/no questions:
1. She worked late last night.
2. They played tennis yesterday.
3. He called me this morning.
4. We stayed at a hotel last weekend.
5. I saw the movie last night.

Quiz 6: Wh-Questions
Create Wh-questions using the past simple tense:
1. (Who) I met John at the party.
2. (When) She finished the report.
3. (What) They bought a new car.
4. (Where) We had dinner.
5. (Why) He went to the store.

Quiz 7: Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the blanks with the correct past simple form of the verbs:
1. We __________ (play) basketball yesterday.
2. They __________ (leave) early.
3. I __________ (make) a sandwich for lunch.
4. She __________ (find) her keys in the kitchen.
5. He __________ (lose) his wallet.

Quiz 8: Regular or Irregular?
Identify if the past simple form of the verb is regular or irregular:**
1. Sang
2. Laughed
3. Ran
4. Stopped
5. Drove

Quiz 9: Correct or Incorrect?
Identify if the sentences are correct or incorrect (in past simple tense). If incorrect, rewrite them:
1. I did went to the park yesterday.
2. She read a book last night.
3. They didn’t watched the movie.
4. He eated breakfast before work.
5. We swimmed in the lake last summer.

Quiz 10: Irregular Verbs Sentence Completion
Complete the sentences using the past simple of the irregular verbs in brackets:
1. He __________ (give) me a present for my birthday.
2. They __________ (go) to Paris last month.
3. We __________ (have) a great time at the party.
4. I __________ (see) her at the mall.
5. She __________ (take) the last cookie.

Quiz 11: Affirmative to Negative
Change these sentences from affirmative to negative:
1. I met him at the station.
2. She wrote a letter to her friend.
3. They took a taxi to the airport.
4. He drank coffee this morning.
5. We flew to Spain last year.

Quiz 12: Past Simple Short Answers
Answer the following questions using short answers:
1. Did you go to the party? (Yes)
2. Did they see the new movie? (No)
3. Did she study for the exam? (Yes)
4. Did he call his parents? (No)
5. Did we finish the assignment? (Yes)

Quiz 13: Irregular Verbs Matching
Match the verbs with their past simple form:
1. Go ___
2. Come ___
3. Speak ___
4. Write ___
5. Eat ___

a) ate
b) came
c) wrote
d) went
e) spoke

—Quiz 14: Past Simple with Time Expressions
Choose the correct verb form:
1. We __________ (visit/visited) the museum last Sunday.
2. I __________ (see/saw) him two days ago.
3. They __________ (go/went) to the park yesterday.
4. She __________ (call/called) me last night.
5. He __________ (meet/met) her last month.

Quiz 15: Mixed Questions
Answer the following questions:
1. What did you eat for breakfast?
2. Where did you go last weekend?
3. When did they arrive?
4. Who did she talk to at the party?
5. How did you get here?

Quiz 16: Tag Questions
Add a tag question to the following sentences:
1. She called you last night, __________?
2. They went to the concert, __________?
3. You saw that movie, __________?
4. He finished his work, __________?
5. We didn’t see them, __________?

Quiz 17: Error Correction
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1. She didn’t went to the store.
2. They didn’t saw the accident.
3. I didn’t went out yesterday.
4. He didn’t wrote the letter.
5. We didn’t played soccer last week.

Quiz 18: Passive Voice (Past Simple)
Change the following sentences into the passive voice:
1. They built the house in 1990.
2. She wrote the book last year.
3. He cleaned the room yesterday.
4. The chef cooked the meal last night.
5. We watched the movie last weekend.

Quiz 19: Story Completion
Complete the story using the past simple form of the verbs:
“Yesterday, I __________ (wake) up early. I __________ (eat) breakfast and then I __________ (leave) for work. On the way, I __________ (meet) an old friend. We __________ (talk) for a while before I __________ (continue) my journey.”

Quiz 20: Irregular Verbs Crossword
Complete the crossword by filling in the past simple forms of the following irregular verbs:
1. Swim
2. Find
3. Stand
4. Drive
5. Speak

Quiz 21: Translation
Translate the following sentences into English using the past simple tense:
1. Fui al parque ayer.
2. Ellos vieron una película.
3. Ella escribió una carta.
4. Nosotros comimos en el restaurante.
5. Él compró un coche nuevo.

Quiz 22: Past Simple with “Be”
Complete the sentences with the correct form of “was” or “were”:
1. I __________ very happy yesterday.
2. They __________ at the party last night.
3. She __________ a great singer.
4. We __________ late to the meeting.
5. He __________ a famous actor.

Quiz 23: Negative with “Be”
**Rewrite the sentences using the negative form of “was” or “were”:
1. I was tired last night.
2. They were at the beach last weekend.
3. She was in the office yesterday.
4. We were late for the meeting.
5. He was happy with the results.

Quiz 24: Choosing the Correct Verb
Choose the correct past simple form:
1. She __________ (spoke/speak) to him yesterday.
2. They __________ (watched/watch) a movie last night.
3. He __________ (drove/drive) to work this morning.
4. We __________ (decided/decide) to stay home.
5. I __________ (met/meet) him two years ago.

Quiz 25: Irregular Verb Challenge
Fill in the correct past simple form of the verbs:
1. He __________ (swim) in the lake last summer.
2. We __________ (ride) bikes around the park.
3. They __________ (drink) coffee together yesterday.
4. She __________ (sing) beautifully at the concert.
5. I __________ (bring) my books to class.

Quiz 26: Forming Questions
Form questions from the following sentences:
1. He called me yesterday.
2. They visited the museum last week.
3. She met her friend at the cafe.
4. We watched a movie together.
5. I finished my homework early.

Quiz 27: Storytelling Practice
Write a short paragraph about what you did last weekend using the past simple tense.

Quiz 28: Mixed Regular and Irregular Verbs
Use the correct past simple form of the verbs:
1. We __________ (start) the meeting at 9 am.
2. I __________ (buy) a new phone yesterday.
3. They __________ (visit) their relatives in Italy.
4. She __________ (see) a strange animal in the park.
5. He __________ (catch) the ball during the game.

Past Simple Tense Quiz Answer Key:
Quiz 1: Regular Verbs
  1. Walk → Walked
  2. Play → Played
  3. Talk → Talked
  4. Jump → Jumped
  5. Help → Helped

Quiz 2: Irregular Verbs
  1. Go → Went
  2. Eat → Ate
  3. See → Saw
  4. Buy → Bought
  5. Take → Took

Quiz 3: Sentence Formation
  1. I watched a movie last night.
  2. They visited their grandparents last weekend.
  3. She studied French for two years.
  4. We decided to stay at home.
  5. He finished his homework before dinner.

Quiz 4: Negative Sentences
  1. I didn’t play football yesterday.
  2. They didn’t visit the museum last week.
  3. She didn’t cook dinner last night.
  4. He didn’t travel to London last summer.
  5. We didn’t finish the project on time.

Quiz 5: Yes/No Questions
  1. Did she work late last night?
  2. Did they play tennis yesterday?
  3. Did he call me this morning?
  4. Did we stay at a hotel last weekend?
  5. Did I see the movie last night?

Quiz 6: Wh-Questions
  1. Who did I meet at the party?
  2. When did she finish the report?
  3. What did they buy?
  4. Where did we have dinner?
  5. Why did he go to the store?

Quiz 7: Fill in the Blanks
  1. We played basketball yesterday.
  2. They left early.
  3. I made a sandwich for lunch.
  4. She found her keys in the kitchen.
  5. He lost his wallet.

Quiz 8: Regular or Irregular?
  1. Sang → Irregular
  2. Laughed → Regular
  3. Ran → Irregular
  4. Stopped → Regular
  5. Drove → Irregular

Quiz 9: Correct or Incorrect?
  1. I did went to the park yesterday. → Incorrect (Correct: I went to the park yesterday.)
  2. She read a book last night. → Correct
  3. They didn’t watched the movie. → Incorrect (Correct: They didn’t watch the movie.)
  4. He eated breakfast before work. → Incorrect (Correct: He ate breakfast before work.)
  5. We swimmed in the lake last summer. → Incorrect (Correct: We swam in the lake last summer.)

Quiz 10: Irregular Verbs Sentence Completion
  1. He gave me a present for my birthday.
  2. They went to Paris last month.
  3. We had a great time at the party.
  4. I saw her at the mall.
  5. She took the last cookie.

Quiz 11: Affirmative to Negative
  1. I didn’t meet him at the station.
  2. She didn’t write a letter to her friend.
  3. They didn’t take a taxi to the airport.
  4. He didn’t drink coffee this morning.
  5. We didn’t fly to Spain last year.

Quiz 12: Past Simple Short Answers
  1. Did you go to the party? Yes, I did.
  2. Did they see the new movie? No, they didn’t.
  3. Did she study for the exam? Yes, she did.
  4. Did he call his parents? No, he didn’t.
  5. Did we finish the assignment? Yes, we did.

Quiz 13: Irregular Verbs Matching
  1. Go → d) went
  2. Come → b) came
  3. Speak → e) spoke
  4. Write → c) wrote
  5. Eat → a) ate

Quiz 14: Past Simple with Time Expressions
  1. We visited the museum last Sunday.
  2. I saw him two days ago.
  3. They went to the park yesterday.
  4. She called me last night.
  5. He met her last month.

Quiz 15: Mixed Questions
  1. I ate toast for breakfast.
  2. I went to the beach last weekend.
  3. They arrived last night.
  4. She talked to Mark at the party.
  5. I got here by bus.

Quiz 16: Tag Questions
  1. She called you last night, didn’t she?
  2. They went to the concert, didn’t they?
  3. You saw that movie, didn’t you?
  4. He finished his work, didn’t he?
  5. We didn’t see them, did we?

Quiz 17: Error Correction
  1. She didn’t go to the store.
  2. They didn’t see the accident.
  3. I didn’t go out yesterday.
  4. He didn’t write the letter.
  5. We didn’t play soccer last week.

Quiz 18: Passive Voice (Past Simple)
  1. The house was built in 1990.
  2. The book was written last year.
  3. The room was cleaned yesterday.
  4. The meal was cooked last night.
  5. The movie was watched last weekend.

Quiz 19: Story Completion

“Yesterday, I woke up early. I ate breakfast and then I left for work. On the way, I met an old friend. We talked for a while before I continued my journey.”

Quiz 20: Irregular Verbs Crossword
  1. Swim → Swam
  2. Find → Found
  3. Stand → Stood
  4. Drive → Drove
  5. Speak → Spoke

Quiz 21: Translation
  1. Fui al parque ayer. → I went to the park yesterday.
  2. Ellos vieron una película. → They saw a movie.
  3. Ella escribió una carta. → She wrote a letter.
  4. Nosotros comimos en el restaurante. → We ate at the restaurant.
  5. Él compró un coche nuevo. → He bought a new car.

Quiz 22: Past Simple with “Be”
  1. I was very happy yesterday.
  2. They were at the party last night.
  3. She was a great singer.
  4. We were late to the meeting.
  5. He was a famous actor.

Quiz 23: Negative with “Be”
  1. I wasn’t tired last night.
  2. They weren’t at the beach last weekend.
  3. She wasn’t in the office yesterday.
  4. We weren’t late for the meeting.
  5. He wasn’t happy with the results.

Quiz 24: Choosing the Correct Verb
  1. She spoke to him yesterday.
  2. They watched a movie last night.
  3. He drove to work this morning.
  4. We decided to stay home.
  5. I met him two years ago.

Quiz 25: Irregular Verb Challenge
  1. He swam in the lake last summer.
  2. We rode bikes around the park.
  3. They drank coffee together yesterday.
  4. She sang beautifully at the concert.
  5. I brought my books to class.

Quiz 26: Forming Questions
  1. Did he call me yesterday?
  2. Did they visit the museum last week?
  3. Did she meet her friend at the cafe?
  4. Did we watch a movie together?
  5. Did I finish my homework early?

Quiz 27: Storytelling Practice

(Answers will vary, based on the student’s own experience.)

Quiz 28: Mixed Regular and Irregular Verbs
  1. We started the meeting at 9 am.
  2. I bought a new phone yesterday.
  3. They visited their relatives in Italy.
  4. She saw a strange animal in the park.
  5. He caught the ball during the game.
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