
Passive Voice of Present Simple Quiz

Here’s a list of 30 exercises for a quiz on the Passive Voice in the Present Simple tense:


Part 1: Change the sentences to the Passive Voice


1- They clean the room every day.

2- The chef prepares the meal.

3- She delivers the mail at noon.

4- The manager organizes the meetings.

5- The students read the book.

6- He fixes the car.

7- They plant trees in the park.

8- The teacher explains the rules.

9- The company sells computers online.

10- He plays football on Saturdays.

Part 2: Choose the correct passive form

  1. The windows __ (are cleaned / clean) every morning.
  2. Breakfast __ (serve / is served) from 8 to 10 am.
  3. The letters __ (delivers / are delivered) every day.
  4. A lot of books __ (read / are read) in this class.
  5. These cars __ (are built / build) in Germany.
  6. The house __ (paint / is painted) every five years.
  7. This test __ (is checked / checks) by the teacher.
  8. Coffee __ (drinks / is drunk) in many countries.
  9. The food __ (is eaten / eats) cold.
  10. Water __ (is boiled / boils) at 100°C.
Part 3: Complete the sentence with the passive voice
  1. Newspapers __ (print) every day.
  2. English __ (speak) all over the world.
  3. The floor __ (sweep) in the morning.
  4. Movies __ (watch) by millions of people.
  5. This room __ (use) for meetings.
  6. Emails __ (send) every hour.
  7. The reports __ (check) by the manager.
  8. Plants __ (water) once a week.
  9. The news __ (broadcast) every night.
  10. Chocolates __ (make) from cocoa beans.
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