
Passive Voice of Past Simple Quiz

Here are 30 exercises focused on the Passive Voice in the Past Simple tense. Each sentence requires the user to transform an active voice sentence into a passive one or complete a sentence in the passive voice.

1- The police arrested the thief.
→ The thief __________ by the police.

2- They built the house in 1990.
→ The house __________ in 1990.

3- The chef prepared the meal.
→ The meal __________ by the chef.

4- Someone stole my bike last night.
→ My bike __________ last night.

5- They closed the store early yesterday.
→ The store __________ early yesterday.

6- A famous artist painted this picture.
→ This picture __________ by a famous artist.

7- The company hired new employees last month.
→ New employees __________ by the company last month.

8- The committee approved the new project.
→ The new project __________ by the committee.

9- They wrote the letter in Spanish.
→ The letter __________ in Spanish.

10- Scientists discovered a new planet.
→ A new planet __________ by scientists.

11- She broke the vase during the party.
→ The vase __________ during the party.

12- The mechanic repaired the car yesterday.
→ The car __________ by the mechanic yesterday.

13- They invited hundreds of people to the event.
→ Hundreds of people __________ to the event.

14- The team won the championship.
→ The championship __________ by the team.

15- They delivered the package late.
→ The package __________ late.

16- The teacher corrected the exams.
→ The exams __________ by the teacher.

17- Someone cleaned the house this morning.
→ The house __________ this morning.

18- They sent the invitations last week.
→ The invitations __________ last week.

19- The artist designed the logo for the company.
→ The logo __________ by the artist for the company.

20- They gave us a special prize.
→ A special prize __________ to us.

21- The workers finished the project on time.
→ The project __________ by the workers on time.

22- They sold the tickets quickly.
→ The tickets __________ quickly.

23- The plumber fixed the leak yesterday.
→ The leak __________ by the plumber yesterday.

24- The students wrote an essay last week.
→ An essay __________ by the students last week.

25- They bought a new car last month.
→ A new car __________ last month.

26- They recorded the album in a famous studio.
→ The album __________ in a famous studio.

27- The engineers designed the new bridge.
→ The new bridge __________ by the engineers.

28- The fire destroyed the building.
→ The building __________ by the fire.

29- They made the decision after much debate.
→ The decision __________ after much debate.

30- The waiter served the drinks.
→ The drinks __________ by the waiter.

Here is the answer key for the Passive Voice in Past Simple quiz:

Answer Key
  1. The thief was arrested by the police.
  2. The house was built in 1990.
  3. The meal was prepared by the chef.
  4. My bike was stolen last night.
  5. The store was closed early yesterday.
  6. This picture was painted by a famous artist.
  7. New employees were hired by the company last month.
  8. The new project was approved by the committee.
  9. The letter was written in Spanish.
  10. A new planet was discovered by scientists.
  11. The vase was broken during the party.
  12. The car was repaired by the mechanic yesterday.
  13. Hundreds of people were invited to the event.
  14. The championship was won by the team.
  15. The package was delivered late.
  16. The exams were corrected by the teacher.
  17. The house was cleaned this morning.
  18. The invitations were sent last week.
  19. The logo was designed by the artist for the company.
  20. A special prize was given to us.
  21. The project was finished by the workers on time.
  22. The tickets were sold quickly.
  23. The leak was fixed by the plumber yesterday.
  24. An essay was written by the students last week.
  25. A new car was bought last month.
  26. The album was recorded in a famous studio.
  27. The new bridge was designed by the engineers.
  28. The building was destroyed by the fire.
  29. The decision was made after much debate.
  30. The drinks were served by the waiter.
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