
Active or Passive Voice?

Are these sentences in the active or passive voice?
Choose the correct answer.


Great job!

#1. The email was sent by the secretary.

#2. The cat sat on the mat.

#3. My room is cleaned every day.

#4. The dishes are washed by my sister.

#5. The grass has been cut.

#6. The children are making their beds.

#7. She folds the laundry every Saturday.

#8. We replaced the roof of the house three years ago.

#9. The roof is replaced every five years.

#10. The text message was sent by my friend.

#11. The house is being painted now.

#12. The farmer has watered the plants.

#13. They didn’t pay the bill.

#14. Two buildings are being built in our neighborhood.

#15. The monkey is climbing the tree.

#16. The window was broken by your brother.

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