
20 Quizzes and Answers About Present Continuous Tense

Here are 20 quizzes to test knowledge of the Present Continuous Tense:

Quiz 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Present Continuous.

1. He __________ (run) in the park right now.
2. They __________ (watch) a movie at the moment.
3. I __________ (cook) dinner tonight.
4. The kids __________ (play) football in the backyard.
5. Sarah __________ (talk) on the phone with her friend.

Quiz 2: Correct the errors in the sentences.

1. She is studying for her exams now. (Correct or incorrect?)
2. I am listening music right now.
3. They is going to the mall.
4. We are watching the game now.
5. You are do your homework.

Quiz 3: Choose the correct option.

1. She __________ (is/am/are) reading a book right now.
2. They __________ (is/are/am) working on a new project at the moment.
3. I __________ (am/is/are) meeting John later today.
4. We __________ (is/are/am) not going to the party tonight.
5. The dog __________ (is/am/are) barking outside.

Quiz 4: Change the sentences into Present Continuous Tense.

1. He reads a book.
2. They go to school every day.
3. I write a letter to my friend.
4. She sings a song.
5. We visit our grandparents.

Quiz 5: Make questions using Present Continuous.

1. You / play / football / now?
2. They / watch / TV / tonight?
3. He / read / the newspaper / right now?
4. She / come / to the party / later?
5. I / work / on the project / this week?

Quiz 6: Rewrite the following sentences in negative form.

1. I am eating breakfast.
2. She is talking to her boss.
3. We are going to the gym today.
4. They are studying for the test.
5. He is driving to work.

Quiz 7: Identify the Present Continuous sentence.

1. He plays football every weekend.
2. They are watching a movie right now.
3. She will visit her grandparents tomorrow.
4. I write emails every day.
5. The birds fly south for the winter.

Quiz 8: Fill in the blanks with “am,” “is,” or “are.”

1. I __________ studying for my exam.
2. She __________ reading a magazine.
3. We __________ planning our vacation.
4. They __________ cleaning the house.
5. The cat __________ sleeping on the sofa.

Quiz 9: Complete the dialogue using Present Continuous.

A: What __________ (you / do) right now?
B: I __________ (study) for my test.
A: __________ (you / enjoy) the material?
B: Yes, I __________ (find) it really interesting.

Quiz 10: Choose the correct form of the verb (Present Continuous or Simple Present).

1. He __________ (work) on a big project now.
2. I __________ (go) to the gym every day.
3. She usually __________ (take) the bus, but today she __________ (walk).
4. They __________ (watch) TV every night.
5. We __________ (prepare) dinner right now.

Quiz 11: Form questions using the given words.

1. (you / go) to the market today?
2. (they / play) basketball now?
3. (she / work) on her project?
4. (we / have) lunch now?
5. (he / drive) to the office today?

Quiz 12: Convert these sentences from Present Simple to Present Continuous.

1. I read a book. → I __________.
2. She eats lunch at 1 p.m. → She __________.
3. They watch TV in the evening. → They __________.
4. We work every day. → We __________.
5. He plays the guitar. → He __________.

Quiz 13: Match the sentence halves.

1. He is playing __________
a) with her homework.
2. She is writing __________
b) in the garden.
3. We are having __________
c) a letter to her friend.
4. The kids are running __________
d) dinner now.
5. They are watching __________
e) football on TV.

Quiz 14: Circle the correct form.

1. I (am/is/are) doing my homework.
2. He (am/is/are) playing video games.
3. They (am/is/are) listening to music.
4. We (am/is/are) preparing dinner.
5. You (am/is/are) studying for the exam.

Quiz 15: Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in Present Continuous.

1. I __________ (read) a really interesting book.
2. They __________ (not / watch) TV right now.
3. He __________ (study) for the test.
4. The children __________ (play) in the garden.
5. We __________ (wait) for the bus.

Quiz 16: Identify the correct usage of Present Continuous in the sentence.

1. They are go to the market. (True / False)
2. She is writing a report. (True / False)
3. We is watching a movie right now. (True / False)
4. He are working late today. (True / False)
5. You are study hard for your exams. (True / False)

Quiz 17: Complete the dialogue with Present Continuous.

A: __________ (you / read) the newspaper?
B: No, I __________ (watch) TV right now.
A: What show __________ (you / watch)?
B: I __________ (watch) a documentary on nature.

Quiz 18: Which sentences are in Present Continuous Tense?

1. She is playing the piano.
2. I walk to school every day.
3. They are planning a trip.
4. He finishes his homework quickly.
5. We are attending a concert tonight.

Quiz 19: Add “not” to make the sentence negative.

1. I am reading a book.
2. They are studying for their exams.
3. We are having dinner right now.
4. She is taking a walk.
5. He is driving home.

Quiz 20: Translate the following sentences into English using Present Continuous.

1. Ella está cocinando la cena.
2. Nosotros estamos estudiando para el examen.
3. Él está hablando por teléfono.
4. Ellos están viendo la televisión.
5. Yo estoy leyendo un libro.

These quizzes will help learners practice various aspects of the Present Continuous Tense!

Here is the answer key for the 20 quizzes on Present Continuous Tense:

Quiz 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in Present Continuous.

1. He is running in the park right now.
2. They are watching a movie at the moment.
3. I am cooking dinner tonight.
4. The kids are playing football in the backyard.
5. Sarah is talking on the phone with her friend.

Quiz 2: Correct the errors in the sentences.

1. She is studying for her exams now. (Correct)
2. I am listening to music right now.
3. They are going to the mall.
4. We are watching the game now. (Correct)
5. You are doing your homework.

Quiz 3: Choose the correct option.

1. She is reading a book right now.
2. They are working on a new project at the moment.
3. I am meeting John later today.
4. We are not going to the party tonight.
5. The dog is barking outside.

Quiz 4: Change the sentences into Present Continuous Tense.

1. He is reading a book.
2. They are going to school every day.
3. I am writing a letter to my friend.
4. She is singing a song.
5. We are visiting our grandparents.

Quiz 5: Make questions using Present Continuous.

1. Are you playing football now?
2. Are they watching TV tonight?
3. Is he reading the newspaper right now?
4. Is she coming to the party later?
5. Am I working on the project this week?

Quiz 6: Rewrite the following sentences in negative form.

1. I am not eating breakfast.
2. She is not talking to her boss.
3. We are not going to the gym today.
4. They are not studying for the test.
5. He is not driving to work.

Quiz 7: Identify the Present Continuous sentence.

1. He plays football every weekend.
2. They are watching a movie right now. (Correct)
3. She will visit her grandparents tomorrow.
4. I write emails every day.
5. The birds fly south for the winter.

Quiz 8: Fill in the blanks with “am,” “is,” or “are.”

1. I am studying for my exam.
2. She is reading a magazine.
3. We are planning our vacation.
4. They are cleaning the house.
5. The cat is sleeping on the sofa.

Quiz 9: Complete the dialogue using Present Continuous.

A: What are you doing right now?
B: I am studying for my test.
A: Are you enjoying the material?
B: Yes, I am finding it really interesting.

Quiz 10: Choose the correct form of the verb (Present Continuous or Simple Present).

1. He is working on a big project now.
2. I go to the gym every day.
3. She usually takes the bus, but today she is walking
4. They watch TV every night.
5. We are preparing dinner right now.

Quiz 11: Form questions using the given words.

1. Are you going to the market today?
2. Are they playing basketball now?
3. Is she working on her project?
4. Are we having lunch now?
5. Is he driving to the office today?

Quiz 12: Convert these sentences from Present Simple to Present Continuous.

1. I read a book. → I am reading a book.
2. She eats lunch at 1 p.m. → She is eating lunch at 1 p.m.
3. They watch TV in the evening. → They are watching TV in the evening.
4. We work every day. → We are working every day.
5. He plays the guitar. → He is playing the guitar.

Quiz 13: Match the sentence halves.

1. He is playing __________
– b) in the garden.
2. She is writing __________
– c) a letter to her friend.
3. We are having __________
– d) dinner now.
4. The kids are running __________
– b) in the garden.
5. They are watching __________
– e) football on TV.

Quiz 14: Circle the correct form.

1. I am doing my homework.
2. He is playing video games.
3. They are listening to music.
4. We are preparing dinner.
5. You are studying for the exam.

Quiz 15: Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in Present Continuous.

1. I am reading a really interesting book.
2. They are not watching TV right now.
3. He is studying for the test.
4. The children are playing in the garden.
5. We are waiting for the bus.

Quiz 16: Identify the correct usage of Present Continuous in the sentence.

1. They are go to the market. (False)
2. She is writing a report. (True)
3. We is watching a movie right now. (False)
4. He are working late today. (False)
5. You are study hard for your exams. (False)

Quiz 17: Complete the dialogue with Present Continuous.

A: Are you reading the newspaper?
B: No, I am watching TV right now.
A: What show are you watching?
B: I am watching a documentary on nature.

Quiz 18: Which sentences are in Present Continuous Tense?

1. She is playing the piano. (Present Continuous)
2. I walk to school every day. (Not Present Continuous)
3. They are planning a trip. (Present Continuous)
4. He finishes his homework quickly. (Not Present Continuous)
5. We are attending a concert tonight. (Present Continuous)

Quiz 19: Add “not” to make the sentence negative.

1. I am not reading a book.
2. They are not studying for their exams.
3. We are not having dinner right now.
4. She is not taking a walk.
5. He is not driving home.

Quiz 20: Translate the following sentences into English using Present Continuous.

1. She is cooking dinner.
2. We are studying for the exam.
3. He is talking on the phone.
4. They are watching TV.
5. I am reading a book.

This answer key corresponds to the quizzes designed for the Present Continuous Tense practice.

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